As I have done in previous years, I am again participating in the Google Summer of Code as mentor for the Samba project.
Last year I Andrew and I co-mentored three students with mixed results. In the end we had to drop one of our students but the other two did well. I’ve only taken on one student this year for various reasons.
The amount of time required to mentor a student varies wildly depending on the student and is hard to predict based on their application. Some students seem to require quite a lot of mentoring while others are self-motivated and self-learning. This has not just been my experience, I’ve heard similar stories from fellow mentors on other projects.
Last summer Ricardo worked on SWAT for Samba 4 and he is still actively working on the project, even after the Summer of Code has finished. I hope to find the time to package SWAT in time for Debian Squeeze. At the moment SWAT just supports managing shares but Ricardo is working on user management.
In 2009 Calin worked on the GTK+ frontends for Samba, in particular changing them to be Python-based rather than C-based. This year his work is going to be continued by Sergio, hopefully with the some user-ready tools as the end result.
Currently Playing: Gazpacho - 117
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