Linux.Conf.Au 2010 - Day 2 - Tuesday

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On Tuesday we had our “Launchpad” mini-conf, which featured talks from Launchpad developers and users alike. It wasn’t necessarily about hosting projects on Launchpad, but rather about how various projects could benefit from Launchpad.

I popped out of the Launchpad track for a bit to attend Andrews talk about the current status of Samba 4. He did a nice job of summarizing the events in the last year, the most of import one of course being the support for DC synchronization. I’m proud we’ve finally managed to pull this off - and hopefully we’ll actually have a beta out next year. We have been saying “maybe next year” for almost 4 years now when people asked us for estimates of a release date.

At the end of the day Aaron and I gave a quick introduction to Launchpad’s code imports and code reviews.

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