I’m currently doing a bit of sightseeing in London, after attending the Bazaar sprint at the Canonical office. It was a good sprint, and quite different from the previous ones - in that there was only a limited amount of actual coding involved. The view from the Canonical office is magnificent, so we were even able to do some sightseeing while working…
Bazaars’ focus has previously mainly been on correctness and features. The first has always been one of our strengths, and we’re in pretty good shape regarding the second. Performance has been one of the main complaints from users about Bazaar and so we have recently tried to improve in that area.
Since 0.12, we have already tried to optimise some of the common code paths and some people have been working on a high performance smart server (to speed up remote operations).
During the first two-and-a-half days of the sprint, we analysed 20 of the most common use cases with Bazaar and determined what complexity they should ideally require to be able to work. After this analysis, we looked at ways to change our data structures to reach these goals.
I have mainly been a spectator during the latter parts of these discussion, but they were interesting to follow.
One of the things I worked on was support for true push in bzr-svn. This was one of the bugs that has bitten a lot of users of bzr-svn. The upcoming bzr-svn 0.4 now supports true push as well as commits in heavyweight checkouts. I hope to release 0.4 after adding nested tree and ignores support so that I don’t have to change the internal mapping mechanisms again.
And now, it is time for some more sightseeing. After that I hope to get back to the reason I’m doing all of this in the first place: Samba!
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